Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Doc Samson

Doc Samson is the one of the few male super heroes who can not only fight crime, help people through their emotional problem and provide assistance to the incredible Hulk, but do it all with luxurious hair. Doc Samson's stylish hair is his trademark. Some may consider a long, flowing green mane to look a little silly, but I think it opens the doors of opportunity for Doc Samson. He can fight crime, be a therapist and use his fame to endorse Herbal Essence or some other hair care products. Doc Samson is a money making machine. What if Dr. Phil had fabulous hair and gamma induced super powers? Dr. Phil has super charged money making powers at his disposal. He could come out with a new self-help book every other week if he wanted, but he can't take on crazy, old Thuderbolt Ross.

In an attempt to cure Bruce Banner of his Hulk affliction, Doc Samson created a device called "cathexis-ray," which would deplete the gamma radiation from the Hulk, permanently turning the Hulk into Bruce Banner and save Betty Ross from become cyrstalized (which in itself is a long story). Doc Samson used the left over gamma radiation to turn himself into, well, Doc Samson. He never did give himself a super hero name. The gamma radiation not only gave Doc Samson a super physique, but super luxurious hair.

These pictures are owned by Marvel Comics. I do not own them. They were taken from Doc Samson's debut. Doc Samson before and after:

Thomas, Roy. The Incredible Hulk. Vol. 1. No. 141. New York: Marvel Comics, July, 1971.

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